GIVEAWAY: Hero Fountain Pen, Sticky Notes, Brush Dance Journal

Oh yeeeeah….I’m giving away everything you see in the above image. (Not the table, don’t be silly.)
Let me tell you how this all came together.
Sometime in January, I went in search of Hero 359 fountain pens. I needed to have that pen in purple and the deal on all five was pretty good – so why not?
Hero 359
I ordered from Amazon, but sadly when I received the order, the purple was missing and there was a BLACK pen in its place (oh, the horror!). The vendor was super-duper quick and kind about sending me the correct pen and allowed me to keep the black pen.  I’m passing along my good fortune and giving that black pen to one of you. (The purple is mine, yo.)
My understanding is that these pens are very much like my beloved Lamy Safari. I can’t attest to that myself because I’ve yet to ink a single one of these pretties. Crazy. Crazybusy.
And then….last month, I was in Seattle for business (it’s a rough life) and met up with one of the artists/writers I work with, the fabulous Mary Anne Radmacher. We had a delightful afternoon together – lunch at Pike Place Market and then shopping at Kinokuniya Bookstore (where I spent entirely too much money, but my goodness).
One of my finds there was the packet of sticky notes above. How adorbs are they?  Three sweet designs, twenty sheets each. I thought you’d love them. 
And, finally, the Brush Dance Dreamer Journal featuring the art and words of Mary Anne Radmacher. Because…why not? And that quote?  “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.'”  How true is that?
So! You can enter to win all three of these items – the Hero 359 pen, the sweet sticky notes, and the Brush Dance Journal.  What a great stash!
Leave a comment below to enter. (Be sure to tell me how to contact you, duh.) One entry per person. However, if you Tweet, Instagram, or Pinterest the top image from this post – come back here and let me know and you can have up to FOUR entries.  Just use #pentulant so I can find the entry. US/CAN only – sorry friends, I know it sucks. Deadline for entry is next Monday, March 24.
And…a small disclaimer…I’m the president of Brush Dance. I didn’t buy the Journal, but that doesn’t mean it’s not pretty terrific.


43 thoughts on “GIVEAWAY: Hero Fountain Pen, Sticky Notes, Brush Dance Journal

  1. I've been meaning to try one of those Hero pens. I, too, want a purple one and since Lamy doesn't make the Safari in purple, this is the next best choice. I know the purple one isn't in the giveaway 🙁 but the black one would give me a chance to try out the pen and decide if I want to go for the purple one, too. I love my Lamy and it would be wonderful if these were as good. That journal is beautiful!

  2. YOur blog and work is an inspiration. Just tweeted this picture @leonorareiley and am about to instagram. Jinhao now makes a dupe of the Safari at a price point that is even lower than Hero. Jinhao 599 or maybe 699.

  3. I love pens and the sticky notes are fine. But that notebook, with that quote, makes this package priceless. My hat is in the ring. Thank you. marilserg(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. I've been following you on instagram and admiring your pens from afar. (That's actually how I found out about your blog too!) I don't own a fountain pen yet but following you convinced me that I need one! haha Great blog by the way! Please contact me at: itsjennydee @ yahoo . com

    Thanks for all the quotes, ink swatches, and teasing me with all your pens! Have a great day! 🙂

  5. I like my lamy pen, so I would probably like the HERO, but I have one question, what is the nib size? the amazon link doesn't mention it either. I really only like to write with F or EF nibs.

  6. What a generous giveaway! I love Brush Dance journals and often give them as gifts, but it's been a long time since i got one for myself. I'd love to try the Hero pen and would also love to know nib size. You can contact me at google or Happy spring!

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