FOUND AROUND FRIDAY: Copic Marker Set Edition

On a recent “shopping trip” to Jet Pens, I picked up four packs of Copic Markers. Each set has four pieces.

I’m a total newbie when it comes to Copic Markers. If you read something somewhere else and it sounds better than what I’m saying here, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Copic Ciao markers are alcohol-based. This is good. The alternative is water-based. Alcohol-based markers will not react with the paper – this means that no how many time you go over the same spot, the paper will not become saturated and tear or pill like more traditional markers.

Copic markers are refillable, the tips are replaceable, they have a long shelf life, and the colors can be blended quite easily. They also come in about a zillion different colors.

Let’s explore….

Above and Below: The Blue Doodle Pack contains two Copic Ciao Markers (B24 and B12), one Copic Multiliner (.3mm in Cobalt), and one Atyou Spica Glitter Pen in Baby Blue.

Above and Below: The Brown Doodle Pack contains a similar assortment  – two Copic Ciao Markers (E31 and E35), one Copic MultiLiner (.3mm – Brown), and one Atyou Spica Glitter Pen (Chocolate).

The Copic Marker MultiLiners are “Copic Safe.”  This means that they will not blend with the colored Caio and Sketch Marker.  Nice because sometimes, you want a darker outline and you want that outline to stay put.  (Sketch Markers are the bigger better sisters of the Caio Markers.)

Below: The Copic Marker Cool Gray MultiLiner set. The set contains the same color ink in the following widths: .005, .1, .3, .5.

(Why do they put the UPC sticker on each marker when it’s sold as a set? Rhetorical. I know why; I just don’t have to like it.)

Below: The Copic Marker Broad Black Multiliner set. This set contains markers in the following widths: .5, .8, small brush, medium brush.

But how do they write?

They really are terrific. And while I’m usually not a fan of brown, I adore the brown set – you just don’t see markers with such terrific colors anywhere else.

I posted this picture on my Instagram feed awhile back. This is my entire collection (except these new ones). I found the holder at Bed, Bath & Beyond – it’s for make-up brushes.


What do you think?  Do you have Copic Markers? Are you addicted and have all of the colors? Maybe you think it’s silly and the world should stick with fountain pens?

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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